Statue of a rider on horseback in front of a historic building with a large dome, surrounded by greenery and steps leading up to the entrance.

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A middle-aged person with short hair smiles while sitting indoors, wearing a zipped-up jacket. A green exercise ball and mirror are in the background.

Liz Ann Kudrna

Liz Ann Kudrna is an avid Handcyclist and sometimes triathlete in the summer months and big into cross country skiing in the Bozeman winter. She likes getting outside. She likes to play near the lakes and rivers and oceans whenever able!

She has Volunteered time for Building Active Communities(BACI), Montana Disability and Health Program as a Disability Advisor and served on the board for Bike Walk Montana. She been trained and participates in walk audits or “I 2 Walk Audits” around the State.

Liz Ann has lived in Bozeman and taught Pilates, breath work and alignment based movement out her studio Body in Balance Pilates, in Bozeman for the last almost 25 years.

She has developed a passion for educating able bodies and “not-as-able” bodies about their bodies. She loves educating others about their own body, breath, and movement. She conducts classes for people all over the country though zoom, working with clients that have SCI, Parkinsons, Spina Bifida, Stroke and more. Liz Ann has also worked for Eagle Mount, an adaptive outdoor recreation organization in a variety of capacities. She will been taking a coarse in Fall Prevention soon and soon teaching that.

Liz Ann was paralyzed from the chest down (T5) in August of 2008, while descending a high peak in the Paradise Valley. She was an avid rock climber, and outdoor recreationalist. She now approaches things differently and with more gratitude. She loves encouraging other folks with disability to get outside and connected to their body and nature.

Liz Ann is on a quest to help create more awareness around disability and accessibility as well as teaching movement to absolutely anyone that wants new awareness, strength, and flexibilty in their body (and mind!). She loves to see her clients, heal, find their personal edge and discover new and more efficient ways to move.

She believes, the more people and communities become aware of the difficulties that public places can present for a person with disability, then the more easily these individuals AND everyone else, will enjoy, contribute to their community and live fullfilling lives. She wants to be a part of this community healing! She is excited to be a part of the Ability Montana Team!!!

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